曾奕,男,1994年生,湖北武汉人,博士,副研究员。长期致力于土壤侵蚀与水土保持、土壤侵蚀与碳循环、生态恢复工程环境效应及可持续性等方面研究,相关成果近年来以第一(含共同)或通讯作者在Communications Earth & Environment、Earth’s Future、Scientific Data、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Journal of Hydrology、Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment、Journal of Geophysical Research等期刊发表。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“干旱沉积环境下有机碳稳定性及其影响机制”,(42207405),30万元,2023-2025,主持;
2. 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项子课题,“十大孔兑风水复合侵蚀区泥沙阻控与近自然生态修复技术集成与示范”, (2024JBGS0023),60万元,2024-2025,主持;
3. 国家杰出青年科学基金,“土壤水蚀机理与过程模拟”,(41525003),2016-2020,参与;
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“流域水文连通性对侵蚀产沙过程的影响与机理”,(41930755),2020-2024,参与;
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“黄土丘陵区小流域泥沙来源对侵蚀环境变化的响应”,(41671282),2017-2020,参与。
1. Nufang Fang1, Yi Zeng1...Zhihua Shi*. Substantial role of check dams in sediment trapping and carbon sequestration. Communications Earth & Environment. 4(1), 65. (2023)
2. Zeng, Yi, Tongge Jing, Baodong Xu, Xiankun Yang, Jinshi Jian, Renjie Zong, Bing Wang Wei Dai, Lei Deng, Nufang Fang*, Zhihua Shi. Vectorized dataset of silted land formed by check dams on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Scientific Data, 11(1): 348 (2024).
3. Zeng Yi, Lishan Ran, Nufang Fang*, Zhen Wang, Zhenci Xu, Xixi Lu, Qiang Yu, Ling Wang, Shuxia Yu, and Zhihua Shi*. How to balance green and grain in marginal mountainous areas? Earth's Future, e2021EF002552 (2022).
4. Zeng Yi1, Xiangdong Meng1, Yan Zhang, Wei Dai, Nufang Fang*, Zhihua Shi. Estimation of the volume of sediment deposited behind check dams based on UAV remote sensing. Journal of Hydrology, 128143 (2022).
5. Zeng Yi, Xiangdong Meng, Bing Wang, Mengjie Li, Dan Chen, Lishan Ran, Nufang Fang, Lingshan Ni*, Zhihua Shi. Effects of soil and water conservation measures on sediment delivery processes in a hilly and gully watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 128804 (2022).
6. Zeng Yi, Nufang Fang*, Zhihua Shi, Xixi Lu, and Zhengang Wang. Soil organic carbon redistribution and delivery by soil erosion in a small catchment of the Yellow River basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125, 5 (2020).
7. Zeng Yi, Nufang Fang*, and Zhihua Shi*. Effects of human activities on soil organic carbon redistribution at an agricultural watershed scale on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 303 (2020).
8. Zeng Yi, Xiankun Yang, Nufang Fang*, and Zhihua Shi. Large-scale afforestation significantly increases permanent surface water in China's vegetation restoration regions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 290 (2020).
9. Wang, Zhen1, Yi Zeng1, Cai Li, Hua Yan, Shuxia Yu, Ling Wang, and Zhihua Shi. Telecoupling cropland soil erosion with distant drivers within China. Journal of Environmental Management 288 (2021): 112395.
1. 方怒放; 倪玲珊; 曾奕; 孟祥冬; 史志华; 淤地坝泥沙淤积量的测量方法、装置、计算机及存储介质, 2021-12-31, 中国, ZL202111676560.5 (专利)
2. 方怒放; 倪玲珊; 曾奕; 戴伟; 袁晨佳; 史志华; 一种模拟土壤侵蚀过程的碳排放监测装置以及方法, 2023-03-31, 中国, ZL202310336768.5 (专利)