姓名: 黄明斌
性别: 男
职称: 研究员
学历: 博士研究生
子邮件: hmbd@nwsuaf.edu.cn
通讯地址: 陕西省杨凌示范区西农路26号
2002年02月-2002年08月,澳大利亚CSIRO Land and Water,高访;
2002年09月-至 今,中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,研究员,博士生导师。
(1)主持国家自然科学基金项目8项:面上项目 “重构土壤结构变化对剖面水-溶质耦合迁移过程的影响(42177287)”, 2022-2025;面上项目“黄土高原人工林对土壤干层的适应性与生态水文响应(41571213)”,2016-2019年;重大国际合作课题“黄土高原关键带植被-侵蚀相互作用及其对碳氮循环的影响(41571130082)”,2016-2019年;重大项目专题 “降水-土壤水转化规律与区域分异(41390463)”,2014-2018;面上项目“黄土高原降水梯度带生态水文过程与最佳植被盖度研究(41171186)”,2012-2015年;面上项目 “黄土性土壤低水势段土壤水分运动特征与有效性(40671083)”,2007-2009年;面上项目 “黄土高原不同土壤-气候区典型植被适宜盖度与生物量研究(40471062)”,2005年-2007年;面上强化项目 “黄土高原水土保持综合治理对流域水循环的影响(50079023)”,2001-2003年;
(2)国家和部委项目3项:中科院先导性专项B类子课题 “黄土高原植物-水分相互关系及其对气候变化的响应过程(XDB40020202)”,2020-2024;“973计划“专题(2007CB407201),“坡面土壤侵蚀发生过程的动力学机制”,2007-2010年;国家“九五”科技攻关项目子课题,“区域水土流失防治与农业持续发展中的重大问题研究”,1996-2000。
1 Yan, X., Zhang, Z., Zhao, X., Huang*, M., Wu, X., Guo, T. 2024. Regulation of plant water use in response to drought in Robinia pseudoacacia plantations on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agri. Water Management 291 (Feb-1), 108659.
2 Rui Zhang, Miyuan Zhu,, Ahmed Yehia, Mingbin Huang*, Xiaoying Yan, Tianqi Guo. 2024. Effects of different long-term fertilization and cropping systems on crop yield, water balance components, and water use efficiency in dryland farming. Agri. Water Management 292 (2024-3-1), 108689.
3 Xiaoying Yan, Zhongdian Zhang, Mingbin Huang*, Xiaofang Zhao, Fan Yang, Xiaofei Wu. 2022. The impact of climate change on growth and drought-induced mortality risk of Robinia pseudoacacia plantations along a precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 325, 109160.
4 Zhongdian Zhang, Liang Liu, Mingbin Huang*, Feiyan Chen, Jiqiang Niu. 2022. Feasibility of soil erosion measurement using time domain reflectometry. Catena 218, 106571
5 Xiaofang Zhao, Mingbin Huang*, Xiaoying Yan, Yingnan Yang. 2022. The impacts of climate change and cropping systems on soil water recovery in the 0–1500 cm soil profile after alfalfa. Agricultural Water Management 272, 107878
6 Fan Yang, Mingbin Huang * , Chenhui Li, Xiaofei Wu, Tianqi Guo, Miyuan Zhu. 2022. Changes in soil moisture and organic carbon under deep-rooted trees of different stand ages on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 328, 107588.
7 Shi, W., Huang*, M. 2021. Predictions of soil and nutrient losses using a modified SWAT model in a large hilly-gully watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9, 291-304.
8 Zhang, Z., Huang*, M. 2021. Effect of root-zone vertical soil moisture heterogeneity on water transport safety in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in Robinia pseudoacacia. Agricultural Water Management 246, 106702.
9 Zhang Z, Huang* M, Yang Y, Zhao X, 2020. Evaluating drought-induced mortality risk for Robinia pseudoacacia plantations along the precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 284, 107897.
10 Liang Liu, Keli Zhang, Suhua Fu, Baoyuan Liu, Mingbin Huang*, Zhudong Zhang, Fengbao Zhang, Yue Yu. 2019. Rapid magnetic susceptibility measurement for obtaining superficial soil layer thickness and its erosion monitoring implications. Geoderma 351, 163-173.
11 Yan Shan, Mingbin Huang*, Lizhu Suo, Xiaofang Zhao, Lianhai Wu. 2019. Composition and variation of soil δ15N stable isotope in natural ecosystem. Catena 183, 104236.
12 Zhang Zhongdian, Huang Mingbin*, Zhao Xiaofang, Wu Lianhai. 2019, Adjustments of leaf traits and whole plant leaf area for balancing water supply and demand in Robinia pseudoacacia under different precipitation conditions on the Loess Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 279, 107733.
13 Mingbin Huang, A. Ireson, S.L. Barbour*, S. DeMars, W.M. Appels. 2018. Fully coupled heat and water dynamics modeling of a reclamation cover for oil sands shale overburden. Journal of Hydrology 566, 250-263.
14 Lizhu Suo, Mingbin Huang*, Yongkun Zhang, Liangxia Duan, Yan Shan. 2018. Soil moisture dynamics and dominant controls at different spatial scales over semiarid and semi-humid areas. Journal of Hydrology 562, 635-647.
15 Wenhai Shi, Mingbin Huang*, S.L. Barbour. 2018. Storm-based CSLE that incorporates the estimated runoff for soil loss prediction on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Soil & Tillage Research 180, 137-147.
16 Liang Liu, Mingbin Huang*, Keli Zhang, Zhuodong Zhang, Yue Yu, 2018. Preliminary experiments to assess the effectiveness of magnetite powder as an erosion tracer on the Loess Plateau. Geoderma 310, 249-256.
17 Zhang Yongkun, Mingbin Huang, Wei Hu, Lizhu Suo, Liangxia Duan, Lianhai Wu, 2018. How shallow and how many points of measurements are sufficient to estimate the deep profile mean soil water content of a hillslope in the Loess Plateau? Geoderma 314, 85-94.
18 iangxia Duan, Mingbin Huang*, Zhenwei Li, Zhongdian Zhanga, Luodan Zhang, 2017. Estimation of spatial mean soil water storage using temporal stability at the hillslope scale in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) stands. Catena 156, 51-61.
19 Liangxia Duan, Mingbin Huang, Luodan Zhang. 2016. Differences in hydrological responses for different vegetation types on a steep slope on the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology 537, 356-366.
20 Yongkun Zhang, Qingli Xiao, and Mingbin Huang. 2016. Temporal stability analysis identifies hydrological relations under different land use types in an oasis agroforestry ecosystem. Geoderma 271,150-160.
21 Jinjiao Lian, Mingbin Huang. 2016. Comparison of three remote sensing based models to estimate evapotranspiration in an oasis-desert region. Agricultural Water Management 165:153-162.
22 Liangxia Duan, Mingbin Huang, Luodan Zhang. 2016. Use of a state-space approach to predict soil water storage at the hillslope scale on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena 137:563-571.
23 Mingbin Huang, Julie D. Zettl, S. Lee Barbour, and Dyan Pratt. 2016. Characterizing the spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivity of reclamation soils using air permeability. Geoderma 262:285-293.
24 Mingbin Huang, Joel N. Hilderman, and Lee Barbour. 2015. Transport of stable isotopes of water and sulphate within reclaimed oil sands saline-sodic mine overburden. Journal of Hydrology 529:1550-1561.
25 Yu Zhang, Mingbin Huang*, Jinjiao Lian. 2015. Spatial distributions of optimal plant coverage for the dominant tree and shrub species along a precipitation gradient on the central Loess Plateau. Agriculture & Forest Meteorology 206: 69-84.
26 Wei Fu, Mingbin Huang*, Jacques Gallichand, Mingan Shao. 2012. Optimization of plant coverage in relation to water balance in the Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma 173-174, 134-144.
27 Yuanzhi Wu, Mingbin Huang*, Jacques Gallichand. 2011. Transpirational response to soil water availability for winter wheat as affected by soil textures. Agricultural Water Management 98: 569-576.
28 Yuanzhi Wu, Mingbin Huang*, David Warrington. 2011. Growth and transpiration of maize and winter wheat in response to water deficits in pots and plots. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71: 65-71.
29 Mingbin Huang and Jacques Gallichand. 2006. Use of the SHAW model to assess soil water recovery after apple trees in the Gully Region of the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural Water Management 85:67-76.
30 Mingbin Huang, Mingan Shao, Lu Zhang and Yushan Li, 2003. Water use efficiency and sustainability of different long-term crop rotation systems in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil and Tillage Research, 72: 95-104.
31 Mingbin Huang, Tinghui Dang, Jacques Gallichand and Moniqu Goult. 2003. Effect of increased fertilizer application to wheat crop on soil-water depletion in the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural Water Management, 58:267-278.
32 Mingbin Huang, Mingan Shao and Yushan Li, 2001. Comparison of a Modified Statistical-Dynamic Water Balance Model with the Numerical Model WAVES and Field Measurements. Agricultural Water Management 48(1): 21-35.